Texas De-feeted

Ya'll might've thought that ever since I landed back on American soil, I had nothing more to blog about, since I'm no longer in an exotic country marveling at the strange customs of the natives. Well, actually, I've been finding American culture pretty remarkable ever since I got back - that's what I love about traveling: it de-naturalizes all that I tend to take for granted - but that's commentary for another day.

It's boots that brought me back to the blog. The Associated Press reveals the surprising link between Bhutan and Texas, both of which are taking part in the Smithsonian Folklife Festival for the next two weeks: it's BOOTS! The Governor of Texas admitted that he was "de-feeted" by His Majesty the King of Bhutan, who no doubt was wearing a Royal version these beauties.

Further, the Bhutanese temple, built by the Bhutanese especially for the Folklife Festival, will be reassembled in El Paso after the Festival, while it will fit in nicely with the other Bhutanese architecture in the neighborhood.

The Bhutan-Texas connection. Hereditary dynasties. Red-roofed architecture. Fancy boots. Next thing you know, W. will become a Buddhist. Just remember, you read it here first!


Anonymous said…
Ha. Woman, I was beginning to worry about you. Almost thought about sending out a search party. So are you going to be around the Bay Area late July?
Anonymous said…
yup. are you coming through? will i finally get to meet sami???

so excited to know that i still have a reader! stay tuned for further adventures... i head back to asia in early aug.
Anonymous said…
Wait, again? Ironic that I was born there but you've been in Asia more often than I have since I've been here.

Yeah, Sheri has a conference at UCSF 7/24 & 7/25. We'll be there the night on 7/23 and staying an extra day, coming home on 7/26. So maybe we can drive-by 7/26 p.m. sometime?

e-mail me (you still have my address?) and I'll give ya more details.
Anonymous said…
at hotmail?
Anonymous said…

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