The reason I couldn't live in South Asia permanently
The sexism, the sexism, the sexism
Not to say that it's not present in the States, but - holy cow! - I don't have to give my father's name to enter the country, and I can wear a short-sleeved t-shirt without having eyeballs bored into my chest.
Not to say that it's not present in the States, but - holy cow! - I don't have to give my father's name to enter the country, and I can wear a short-sleeved t-shirt without having eyeballs bored into my chest.
Hang in there. Luckily Sami is not growing up over there to experience it first-hand.
Hurry back already.
it's t-1 week until i leave india, and then i spend a little time in clean! industrialized! punctual! with my nephew before getting back to cali.