That's Professor Be to you

Beginning July 2009, I will be an assistant professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), conveniently located across the Bay in San Francisco, where I will teach courses in my specialty areas, including environmental ethics, religion & ecology, biodiversity conservation and political ecology to masters and PhD students in the Program in Philosophy, Psychology and Consciousness.

Though I haven't yet finished my PhD, the program recruited me from the remote reaches of Bhutan last winter. I actually *ignored* their email at first, thinking that it would be preposterous to apply for a teaching position when I was so far from being done. My advisor concurred.

However, when I saw how perfectly their needs fitted with my interest and expertise, I convinced my advisor to support my application. When I returned to the capital city at Christmas time, I sent my written materials, before heading to Kathmandu for an urban holiday.

In February, we had a crackly and pause-laden phone interview from Bhutan, where the telecommunications bandwidth is too low to support both video and voice over Skype. The few moments of silent Skype video allowed the Search Committee to see that I appeared to be reasonably normal, and was not in possession of two heads or any other anomalies requiring significant ADA accommodations. We eventually reverted to my cellphone, which gets surprisingly good reception.

When I returned home in May, I had a campus interview, and found both potential colleagues and students to be delightful. I am extremely pleased to be joining a department of environmental and social visionaries.


Anonymous said…
hey prof--

how are you? where are you? what's your phone # these days? i guess i could e-mail you too, but i'm being lazy about my e-correspondences. i'm back at work, which is hard, but le bebe is doing well.
Anonymous said…
Wow! Congratulations. Now I can say I know TWO professors.
Sadie said…
Hey, that's so fantastic! It's so good to hear that someone can find a job in a place they want to be, doing what they want to do!!
Can I say it's Bhutiful?

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